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like it's easy for me to just say under anarchy I'd be one of the people who just sits at home doing nothing but I think in the absence of money I would try to get out there and do stuff now that there's no risk really.

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wouldn't it be amazing if college/university was just like a casual thing? like it's just a place you can go for free whenever you want, don't have to apply or anything, anyone can come in and sit in on a class theyre interested in.

sort of like a library. and there's no tests or anything, it's just for if you want to know more about a subject

I learned about striking. It's very interesting.

— ùshrir Limulnog, Recruit

Give alien designs hair you cowards. And by that I mean body hair.

look at thiiiss
beautiful bastard man
sassy beanball
exquisite fluffypuffy
deserves ALL the hugs

Polling on Spain's April 28 election 

#Spain: polling ahead of an April 28% indicates the nominally socialist #PSOE is in the lead with 30.9%, but would have to cobble together a coalition of left and Catalan parties for a Parliamentary majority. The coalition of right wing parties, Partido Popular, Ciudadanos and Vox polling at 46.5%

"What if air was mountains", is something people not often ask.
Aïr, Niger: We ARE mountains. We are massif!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!