@r9@sunbeam.city @dirk there are many reasons why people do not put their pronouns in their bio - it's not just lazy unaware cis people. For some people it's not safe, for some it's not just one pronoun but it varies too often to change, some people are on a journey and just don't know their correct pronouns. Please don't assume that every person you think is cis can easily put their pronoun in their bio.

@r9@sunbeam.city @dirk Most people assume I'm cis - I'm not - I'm not trans* either. It's way more complex. I use my pronous as empowerment but not everybody can do this. Even if I can understand the wish for a safer place for trans* people a lot: In my opinion your request just creates the next binary: so, it's cis-trans* this time.

@maj @r9@sunbeam.city I see, thanks for educating!

Of course there's a huge spectrum, but I read this toot as a plea to the (presumable significant) group of privileged people who feel definitely cis and would not mind stating their pronoun, yet are not aware of the benefit this may have for fellow mastodonians.


@maj @r9@sunbeam.city Just like I haven’t been aware for quite some time that if I put up with the minor inconveniences of looking up my dinner recipes and comic blogs through (the pages needing to load a second longer than usual), my privileged everyday nonsense helps camouflaging those vulnerable and at risk folks dependent on using Tor (like e.g. democratic dissidents in repressive regimes).


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