
Trying to coin a term for being mindful about the effects your digital behaviour has on others, like:

• not having a account
• uploading files to , not
• using when linking to videos etc.

It’s not “digital mindfulness” (that’s when you turn off your device for your own sake), and „digital solidarity” doesn’t seem right, either. Maybe something like “ethical XYZ”…?

Is there such a word? We need such a word! 🤔

[Boosts welcome]

@dirk Is there an email service you'd recommend in place of Gmail? I'm not fond of it either tbh.

@fuzzballsupreme I myself am using and I'm very happy with it. Posteo is also supposed to be a good choice.

When it comes to Email providers, the basic decision is whether you pay with your (and your friends') data or with a little money, so I gladly pay the 1 Euro a month.

@privacytools has an excellent overview here:

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