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It’s weird?
I think i did the coffee a bit too fine since it was a little gritty
There were some decent flavors in it though?
I’m gonna try some different coffee. It could MAYBE ACTUALLY be good with a bit more messing around?

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buny gf boosted

:thaenkin: a portmanteau of "ska punk" is "skunk"

:thinkhappy: an all-skunk ska punk band

All the Pokémon I have split up into the series they’re from
Still have to do the trainer cards -_-

I found a lot of cards I didn’t know I had, but I KNEW these two bad boys were the rarest cards out of all of them

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This stack is ONLY holofoil cards and maybe 20 other assorted rare/cards of interest

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These are JUST the Pokémon so far, not energy cards or trainer cards

buny gf boosted

Do any of y’all remember what movie it is that made you realize movies could be bad?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!