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buny gf boosted

here is a dump of every announcer voice line in Pokemon Stadium. This dude is firing on ALL cylinders for EVERY one of these 640 sound clips

Pokémon go 

How if anyone wants to be Pokémon Go friends add me
I’ve slowly been playing a bit more here and there

9345 0671 1197

Out of all things 2020 I don’t think I was ready for Left at London covering Pony

Gonna be able to potentially post from that iMac g4 tonight

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buny gf boosted

Kati’s mom was pretty good at finding old Macs apparently

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Skinner has a little cat tunnel and sometimes we’ll pick her up while she’s in it. She likes it and will sometimes just fall asleep like she’s in a hammock

The colorful Apple Music icon in the latest ios14 beta is better than the previous white one and I’m glad it’s back to being “inspired” by the ios7 icon

buny gf boosted

Never got into Fable but it comes off as the Family Guy of RPGs.

Gonna become an obnoxious Seattle hockey fan

Donate to my Patreon so I can buy an aibo

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!