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I THINK you can very vaguely see the comet in this picture?
I think that’s the tail but it’s just as likely some artifacts because “lmao smartphone camera taking star pics”

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Astrophotography on the Pixel 3 doing some work last night

Kinda blurry because I was just like, holding one side of a pair of binoculars over my iPhone camera lens
If I had a way to actually attach it it probably would have come out great

buny gf boosted

me, watching nilaky play Saints Row 4: *in very evie playing Control voice* I'm the president!

buny gf boosted

Literally every song from Community is perfect

Furry ych art idea right there
The tops of espresso machines are incredibly warm

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“Pirates just stole shit from other people?”

How do you even write out む?
What do I do with that round bit in the middle, start doing a lime and circle a bit and then just keep going?

buny gf boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!