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Correction: it’s オランダ (oranDA, not do)
My point remains though that I was a dingus

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Every other country so far has been fairly straightforward “English” sounding other than that, India (“indo”, still close enough to English) and Germany (“doitsu” which is like “deutsch” so if you know “Germany = Deutschland” it’s easy)

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I was so confused why The Netherlands was オランド (orando) in katakana before it hit me that it was because it was a translation of “Holland” not “The Netherlands” 🙃

US pol death 

Holy fuck fuck fuck fuck Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away fucking fuck oh my god

buny gf boosted

The big ps3 was the best console because the little PS logo by the disc drive rotated so it always had the correct orientation no matter if it was standing up or on its side

Skunk dakimakura that has an extra pillow attached to act as the big skunk tail for extra skunk cuddling power

Apple keyboard smashes just don’t hit the same

Oh boy can’t wait for Amazon to throw around it’s pile of money for exclusive podcasts 🙃🙃🙃

buny gf boosted

Does that one tech writer still talk about how Apple is gonna make their own TV 100% for sure for realsies?

Apple event 

I’m glad they made the fingerprint power button like, ACTUALLY a button
All the power button fingerprint readers on android phones are fucking garbage and are flush with the edge of the device and damn near impossible to easily feel out and aren’t tactile at all

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Apple event 

What the fuck I want that blue iPad god dammit

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Apple event 

Oh fuck colorful iPads what the fuck

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!