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buny gf boosted

current us pol COVID-19 situation 

God if this is true then Claudia Conway is the greatest poster in the world

food referenced 

im marshmallow buny

Finally it’s hazy but NOT from having a fuck ton of smoke in the air
The AQI is below 40 here on SJ finally it’s getting cold and I can actually breath good air

buny gf boosted

sonic the hedgehog levels are currently at 40% but fluctuating wildly

(40%) ■■■■□□□□□□

buny gf boosted
buny gf boosted

3d food, furry 

ordering some coffee from the bunhun

buny gf boosted

Mouth Dreams is the best overall Mouth album

buny gf boosted

...I guess at least half a mind to silence from my new favorite discourse reaction:

(This was originally thought as a joke but then I realized oh no wait that’s like exactly what it is actually)

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Coffee slurping sounds are how coffee professionals show their dominance over one another

Donate to my Patreon so I can record a coffee slurping ASMR

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!