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Catch me rocking this bad boy on my new SoundCloud mixtape

I'm sorry my socks + underwear picture wasn't all lewd and flirty

Socks + underwear 

It's fun having matching underwear and socks

Oh my god MBMBaM is releasing their Detroit Star Wars live show as a MaxFun Drive bonus episode

Well, I've had dinner and showered so I guess it's time to get to sleep 🙃

I haven't been hooked like how I was with Demon's Souls or Bloodbourne

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buny gf boosted

Maybe I'm just not a "G A M E R" anymore because I have a 40 hour a week job and don't want to spend every minute I'm NOT working grinding through a video game

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There's a lot of things in Sekiro where I'm like ".......huh.....that kinda sucks. This doesn't feel well designed"

Sekiro spoiler (???????) game mechanics 

Not gonna lie, as soon as I got hit with Dragonrot an hour or two into the game I almost fucking stopped playing

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Sekiro spoiler (???????) game mechanics 

Being punished (Dragonrot) for using one of the main mechanics of a game that has been a big point of the advertising, including being part of the fucking name (the revive mechanic) is not good game design, From.
This feels different than world tendency in DeS, this is straight up "Oh, you have to use this thing we purposefully built into the game? Fuck you."

Wow Huawei sure is thirsty for people to see their new phone tomorrow

buny gf boosted

Apple Event 

"And the first exclusive for Apple TV+........UNIVERSE of the Apps!"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!