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The only worthwhile clip show is the 138th Episode Spectacular

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Man, Fox sure made the Simpsons team shit out a bunch of clip shows in the early seasons

It’s between 12pm and 1pm, I think she’s trying to tell me something

buny gf boosted


@ Seattle friends pls overnight ship me like 20 special burgs from Dick’s

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God damn
I have a might craving for some Dick’s burgers I need them

Principal Skinner is the best Simpsons character


I’m sorry to my Texas friends but I’m making frito pie WITHOUT wolf brand chili because Kati hasn’t been able to find it in Commie California, though it’s still a chili without beans

This is my favorite weird little glitch on the latest iOS 14 beta
The popup for something being connected just has generic message text instead of the name of the device

buny gf boosted

I believe that the entire political landscape is as it is now due to the fact that customer service workers are not allowed to be mean to customers.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!