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@Chel @Scarly I'm writing the script for The Legend of Chel: Scarly on the Wild! :D

@Scarly @Chel set fire to everything and start over

Sorry Chel </3

Froyo boosted

Broke: learning a standard of femininity built around being a human woman whose sexually available to men

Woke: learning a standard of femininity built around being a lesbian warrior poet robot milf who doesn't even know what a human man is

Froyo boosted

what she says: im fine
what she means: why does the switch cost so muck fuckign money I jus wanna play pokemon

Me when I had classes: Just five more hours pls

Me now, at 7 AM: :blobeyes:

Negativity blargh 

Also tbh it's esp annoying bc I can't think straight when something hurts, head even worse so x.x

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Negativity blargh 

I love how there's nothing to take for something as simple as a fucking headache atm so I just gotta put up with it lol

But it's ok Chavistas get to uhhh

...say they won elections? Bc most of them are fucked now too :v

Froyo boosted

hearing anglos try to speak spanish is great because they give us gems such as "ese es racisto" It's ok all latinx are valid and good *runs at the sounds of properly written Spanish*

Froyo boosted

Every trans/non-binary person deserves a nintendo switch, a horse wife, and six copies of smash ultimate just in case they lose five.

Boost if you agree.

Transphobia, trolls @Chel thank you ^_^;

Transphobia, trolls 

@Scarly @Chel it's ok!! LET THERE BE OBLIVION.


Transphobia, trolls 

@Chel loool, I would do that

But I'd miss out on making the staff team my own gay club of friends and that's basically why I'm still there tbh :B

Transphobia, trolls 

@Chel yuuup.

Lately we've been getting some... Young... Newbies and "nice, understanding Froyo" is more or less on life support atm :V the Zelda fandom is awful and the only salvageable parts of it are the queer people and the ones with Urbosa/Sidon avatars, fullstop.

Transphobia, trolls 

Fucking hellll.

It takes some srs level of dumbass to go appeal a mute from a mod for a transphobic comment by calling trans people "mentally ill" and "sexually identifying as a toaster", to a trans admin.

But clearly we aren't always blessed with smart cookies. That was a really fast and really satisfying ban ngl. Goos riddance.

@Chel It almost had me v__v must resist... Must... Resist...

Ah, w/e, classes are over anyways.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!