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@Scarly just to add another one because even numbers are inherently attractive x)

d - white people will get incredibly defensive of their problematic works if criticized and will attempt to justify/"explain" how it's 100% NOT RACIST even if it's hitting someone of color in the face.


@Chel thank uuuuu! Froyo tries and will keep trying :3


I'm feeling a good bit better now. No more headache nor throat pain, at the very least. Wheeee.

FE Heroes(spoils Book 1&2), racism 

By which I mean, the king's daughters turn technically good, but can't defy him and one dies, the other is beaten and spared, apparently becomes queen in the end and we never see her again. A general turns good, helps two princesses escape and then gets offed unceremoniously.

There is a non-dark skinned character among them (Loki) but it turns out she wasn't really with them and deserts them. *She survives lol*. Like. Wow.

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FE Heroes(spoils Book 1&2), racism 

And that's like not the end of it. He never manages to over that. BUT THEN we have Book 2 and it's like wow look at all those dark skinned ppl (and Loki) under a tyrant who treats his daughters like tools invade the pretty cold land full of literally only pale chars. Guess which side has royalty portrayed as exclusively good and which side has all but one royal dying. Muspell does have most of it's important chars turn around but it does nothing really.

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FE Heroes(spoils Book 1&2), racism 

I kinda wanna hear more takes on this bc so far it's my perception of it and I'm v good at doubting myself lmao.

But ngl some shit in the stories have made me super uncomfortable lmao. We get the basic "whities are the gud guys" deal but then there's stuff with Embla being "unable to fight their bloodline" which is another fucking focus on genetics in FE, and the dark brown skinned Bruno trying to fight off killing urges his blood gives him to v little success.

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Froyo boosted

Sick, negative 


I feel I can't function enough to fully enjoy entertainment activities and to top it all of I can't properly taste food bc lol nose.

Burn everyone willing to defend this farce, having to suck it up and hope for sickness to pass with nothing to alleviate symptoms/pain is bullshit and I want it to be over already @_@ And this is (probably?) just catching something that's gonna go away soon. Just imagine people who have worse illness and can't do shit.

Froyo boosted

you ever notice how 'content' can mean 'a state of peaceful happiness' but can also mean 'internet posts'? i don't think that's a coincidence

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Froyo boosted

the dark type in pokemon is called evil type in japan and the reason its beaten by bug types is because of the many japanese heroes with bug motifs such as kamen rider. its beaten by the fighting type because they're honorable martial artists whereas most dark type moves are underhanded fighting moves like biting. the message being that the good guys will always triumph over evil even if evil won't play fair

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hot take? burning things down 

@Scarly yeaaaah tbh this. Burning shit down might sound cool to some but like

Add some classy whitie blindess to racial issues and you really have a recipe for fucked up minorities who can't easily recover from damage.

All while accomplishing nothing bc hey. Apparently rich white ppl don't really care about those pesky struggling poc nor anything that doesn't affect them 🤔 who would have thought huh

Froyo boosted

hot take? burning things down 

when i see white anarchists talking about guillotines and burning down small business establishments and office buildings, i'm like

y'all realize that you'd probably gonna be targetting people in underpriviledged areas bc the wealthier folks are up to their noses in their private security (aka cops)?

better idea - show up when poc need you to show up. don't fantasize about burning it down when you can't even show up for simple shit.

@Chel yeeeep. Especially at this time of the year tbh

Family drama sucks upvote to agree downvote to not disagree

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