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Between the socially forced handshake and grip or kiss in the cheek with hug plus me feeling a compulsion to clean areas of my body touched by someone else...

Can I just say I hate greeting people IRL? >_>

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coming out as some variety of lgbt in certain areas is typically the equivalent of pushing a reset switch on your entire social network and starting over from scratch

Love that feeling when you *know* a teacher is awful and don't understand them, but everyone else is like "nah I understand it's just you" to the point I start to believe it's just me...

And then almost the whole classroom absolutely bombs the first exam :v

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Selfie, eye contact, some skin 👀 

Took a wild hair, need of shaving selfie before shower last night aaaa

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Trans woman, rejected for asylum & deported, killed 

#Transgender woman who applied for US Asylum on creditable death threats, and was deported back to #ElSalvador, has been killed :*(

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Public announcement:

The only bothersome aspect of your fundraising posts is the fact that our society necessitates this sort of support shifted about amongst the most vulnerable people!

You are wonderful and valid and asking for money will never ever change that.

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mental health shitpost 

I'm putting the "cutie" in "executi(v)e dysfunction"

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“Forced diversity” aka “stop reminding that nonwhite people exist”

Rather than keep spamming stars on your messages or respond to conversation I feel I won't be able to add anything meaningful to, I'll just say this

@SallyStrange you're pretty damn cool :3

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i love how everyone on mastodon just unites on one opinion: bridge is pretty great

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tired: Make $1000 a month by working at home!!

wired: Make $100 a month by being gay!!!
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selfies, majoras mask, face not visible, boosts ok 

i can be your angle... or yuor devill

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in the same breath:

mary sues aren’t real

men can be OP and survive anything and win everything and no one cares

let women be the same way

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i'm gonna say it AGAIN

if your game only allows for a male playable character, but ESPECIALLY a cis white male

it's bad. it's a bad game. you've made nothing original. it's boring. bad bad bad

Because I can't actually scream my lungs out in physics class, allow me to do so here

[screams lungs out]

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!