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hell yeah finally set up elixire properly again i can upload once again.

@ao ~~so i can now have an email address?~~

Gerd boosted

@ao @ebooks brb writing a bot to send a random toot just within the ratelimits.

Status update on nixos: It works. Kind of. I still have to make a nix expression for applespi.

good morning fediverse watsup today i'm gonna install nixos on my macbook

@ao but get actual lava lamps with actual lava.

hey guys i made a thing pls tell me you like it i need it for self esteem

seriously though I love blender that was less that 20 minutes of work and most of that was aligning the cubes.

@slice unacceptable. System font should be Comic Sans.

@disroot whoops they changed the sender server to last-minute.

@disroot I'm expecting an alpha key for later tonight coming from, and their team just confirmed me that the SMTP server would not resend bounced emails. Could you whitelist that domain for postgrey please?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!