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Gerd boosted

Bilingual pun (English & German) 

No matter how wet your weather is, German weather is wetter.

Memeing around, and suddenly i want to play undertale again.

okay back from climbing managed to do a 5.10c (~6+/7- in french system)

proud of myself

And yes, I could totally just guess that by looking at the numbers but instead I just have a few lines of elixir do the work (without having the chance of a bigger GDC).

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Number B: 1372417939661784197013446438879133646209553340498692559434301171373595750359814983562189460859256366679520391067590624664448344438757526209106834779559635423685884995033499276511205638028822532170117561329681753415281376547966596089138486673063796867868941414275928086898187742381661513930231618160285

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Number A: 6356372573398355905784117280315958941162201214457687353072218974680676050037202607702752216400208489143886881457797584992998367155290159347219234599717639663488515797097375842868890162575871569010871571325007323372604352908268836033893706024835911437969901698346289063198197944854469609844412210580170

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I just learned about the euclidian algorithm and I just found the GDC of two numbers who wouldn't even fit in a tweet by themselves. I love maths. Sometimes at least.

oh hell i'm really bad at social media it's been 3 months since i last logged in to masto

God I hate s3 downloads time out so often for some reason

hell yeah finally set up elixire properly again i can upload once again.

Gerd boosted

Status update on nixos: It works. Kind of. I still have to make a nix expression for applespi.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!