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good morning fediverse today i'll see how bad i did on my chem test

and then i'll die when my parents see it

Amazing. Internet is essentially broken right now, I guess i'll sleep early?

so uhm i learned elm today and i did a thing and it's ugly but it works so I'm happy

it not only tells you what exactly is wrong and how to fix it, but also WHY it is like that

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The elm compiler is simply amazing. (yes, this is a really stupid thing i'm playing around with)

uh what languages live for 30+ years? i think they die quicker these days.

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so essentially discord sucks, right?
asking for a friend @luna

oh my god star trek discovery i didn't even realise how much i missed that title music.

me: fuck this shit is hard
also me: oh fuck there's a maths quiz and i didn't study
also also me: oh this shit is easy

wifi broke. i can now trash 3GB of download from twitch and restart. thank you, internet.

urgh having fun: french oral in like 30 mins

so apparently my school blocks twitter now and I'm kinda happy about that. less procrastination!

Gerd boosted

Bilingual pun (English & German) 

@tobi I wonder if that's related to the curious fact that while some english kids are kind, german kids are Kinder.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!