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The elm compiler is simply amazing. (yes, this is a really stupid thing i'm playing around with)

uh what languages live for 30+ years? i think they die quicker these days.

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so essentially discord sucks, right?
asking for a friend @luna

oh my god star trek discovery i didn't even realise how much i missed that title music.

me: fuck this shit is hard
also me: oh fuck there's a maths quiz and i didn't study
also also me: oh this shit is easy

wifi broke. i can now trash 3GB of download from twitch and restart. thank you, internet.

urgh having fun: french oral in like 30 mins

so apparently my school blocks twitter now and I'm kinda happy about that. less procrastination!

Gerd boosted

Bilingual pun (English & German) 

@tobi I wonder if that's related to the curious fact that while some english kids are kind, german kids are Kinder.

Gerd boosted

Bilingual pun (English & German) 

No matter how wet your weather is, German weather is wetter.

Memeing around, and suddenly i want to play undertale again.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!