henry boosted

*this approaches in the style of a jellyfish, landing on you* bongiorno

i mean there were a couple possible factors but the reaction was not proportionate to the causes

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ugh idk what prompted the brain problem earlier today

i do like that you can separate what posts you want to share to followers only and which ones you want more public. i keep locking and unlocking on twitter but i wouldn't have to do that here

oh god i didn't realize the default setting was shouting to the public timeline

spin text? 

[spin] spin?? [/spin]

testing this feature 

ha bada ga daba ga

the ability to not federate with wretched horrible instances seems... good. idk how anything works but in theory i like it

oh you're tooting? you're tooting and scooting?

henry boosted
Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!