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mh, meds, vent (--) 

LCD Soundsystem is rad and okay, i just am really bad at hearing lyrics and once i did listen enough to really hear them, i was disappointed about how like, detached and snarky they were. so i associate it with bad times.

but like, Soundsystem: who hurt you?

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mh, meds, vent (--) 


i accidentally upset a friend, apologized a lot, had a panic attack about it, tried to apologize profusely for nothing to other friends, can't get out of bed, and i'm listening to LCD Soundsystem.

can i just remember that i was behind on meds for a few days and relax. pls. i have work today.

Bonus Mental Health Tip Slash Note To Self: stop shit-talking yourself

misgendering (+?), conflicted enby sounds 

i got called ma'am again today, and it melts my brain, because it's so different. instead of correcting themself when i got closer, the clerk complimented my outfit. i am sO NOT USED TO THIS. it feels nice, even if the gender is wrong.

i though it'd be impossible for me to be seen as not-male, so i just do/wear what i want. it's the earrings, isn't it?

do all of Us Folks go thru this? i've spent all day thinking about a 30-second interaction aaaaaaa

some music for the cruddy weather today. it's been a steady blorpy drizzle (video link)

(trying to record while playing with my non-dominant hand sucks)

"Name for the order?"
- "tanuki"
"How do you spell that?"
- "タ, ヌ, キ"

meds mention, caffeine, starbucks 

I forgot my pills today and I'm self-medicating and it's ok ~gestures~


tanuki~ boosted

meta, mh, energy (-/~) 

(i’m trying to post these continuations as “unlisted,” does that work well? i just wanna not have my 120 replies be like, a big block of tiring things)

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meta, mh, energy (-/~) 

writing is a good way of sorting things out. i can figure something out, then when i write it i sound so certain, so experienced.

nooOOOooo, i literally just learned a thing, a lot of the time?

also i’m not complaining? just observing? myself?

i talk a friggin lot and go off on tangents that have tangents and it’s weird. what i want is to not be taking up more space than i need to, but like, the guilt of this is LOTS.

all this contributes to the exhaustion

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meta, mh, energy (-/~) 

thanks again to people who make me think, i’m using up so much energy at times trying to sort out and explain myself. nothing is as straightforward as how it is stated. mentally, i’m wandering in a maze. i can get through it, but the abstraction of experiences and thoughts to words is tiring.

sometimes there’s so little energy that i can’t sleep. but i love writing about stufffff. weird experiences deserve to be talked about.

so anyway, i can’t sleep.

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meta, mh, energy (-/~) 

this masto-centric space i’m in, like, my following list is organic but it’s a high concentration of people that make me think and feel really intensely. i want to reply to everything, i hit the character limit repeatedly.

because i’m in a timeplace where i’m fitting together stuff and it feels gREAT

I GOTTA WRITE. then: i gotta fit this in the space. gotta be not-annoying. whoops my feelings are complicated. i deplete my executive energy deciding what to write. (cont.)

ok maybe i’m a lil horny (TF, fat, udders, boobs) 

getting turned into an enby cow will do that sometimes tho~

not horny 

but dang all of you are REAL CUTE

linux, HRT 

psych! that was about hormones.

wish me luck.

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i'm gonna try a different distro, i'm hoping it will run better on my machine and maybe enable some features that i haven't been able to use

subtooting birdsite 

not having engagement counts or metrics in my face has been a great relief

not having an algorithm curating my experience is empowering

not being a product is amazing


tanuki~ boosted

*awoos with the force of a thousand enbys*

tanuki~ boosted

nonbinary support group stuf 

opmg it was good and there was hecka good Gender Venting last night.

therapist: *draws a line from <male symbol> to <female symbol>* Where would you say you are along this line?

everyone: *avoids the line like the plague*

therapist: good

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!