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The Album Leaf! This is really quite a strange show... but I'm into it ^.^

long ago I had this idea to make fake warning stickers for BART, so it delights me to see that someone actually did it

im sure some marketing bro thought this backpack product shot would inspire thoughts of world travel... but i can't get past my visceral first reaction: "OMG YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE YOUR PASSPORT"

I haven't used a blender in forever, and I'd somehow forgotten that the control panel always includes this preposterous array of euphemisms for the different speeds that all do pretty much the same thing.

this shop also has a greeting card section, which features a faceless ghoul demonstrating the recommended crash position for a Boeing 737-MAX

this toy shop sells, amongst other things, a Ford Fusion Taxi Cab model. Which is like... the saddest car toy I can imagine. "Oh daddy daddy please buy me a common, economical commercial vehicle! That really lights my fire!" -- no child ever

found on the shared bookshelf in the middle of a big team of PhD researchers

Asked for my deposit back finally. This should be interesting.

it's becoming increasingly a stretch to call this "winter" anymore. We might have to face facts.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!