saw this couple who apparently take their cats with them to the grocery store in a baby stroller??? those are some chill-ass cats

The boys have been experimenting with tempered chocolate, resulting in various unholy garbage candy creations >.>

shark art 

out for a walk around the neighborhood and HOLY SMOKES how did i not notice this gigantic shark mural near the train station?!? like i love it but also yikes sort of disturbing?

An old friend of mine bought a Rivian! I got to drive it, surprisingly quick for 7000lbs of laptop batteries! I was definitely impressed.

Got some company from this v chill lil fella while waiting to smog my car. It's the smog dog!

I'm continuing our increasingly expensive tradition of sourcing a 2009 to serve with our anniversary dinner. Celebrating a lucky 13 years together with @tanakiwah today! It's complex and tangy and, thanks to some careful handling, not yet turned to vinegar. Metaphors!

It snowed near our house today! We drove up to the observatory and threw one (1) snowball

"Anything less than five stars is BAD! Only give five stars!" Haha. I love how workers actively beg for as little dynamic range as possible in any evaluative feedback. It speaks volumes about what evil corporations do whenever they receive even the barest shred of signal that could be used for ranking or culling employees.

spent my entire weekend playing the "try to upgrade linux" minigame. it's not going well. >.>

my cars have been so bored from sitting around this year that they made up names for themselves, like Culture Ships.

it's finally cold enough for me to wear my favorite hat! =^.^=

We weren't comfortable with table service at restaurants but we did get to cook ourselves some decent meals! Now back to the grind...

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hey I left the house! We had a lovely weekend of hiking out on the coast for our anniversary. Was good to get away for a bit.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!