Dungeons & Dragons, stories involving cruelty and slavery 

One of my pandemic hobbies was being D&D 5th Edition DM, though I'm not playing much anymore. I wrote and playtested a book of six adventures, complete with maps and dialog. If you're looking for a free module to play, I would love it if you got some use out of all this work I did. CW, it's a dark story. But even if you don't like the story, most of these adventures can still be run standalone:


one of my favorite new ubiquitous bullshit marketing tropes is when corporations tell you "it's time to <something>". It's time for you to tell me your mobile number. We don't make the rules, this is part of God's plan. We cannot change the way of the universe, we just have to collect your personal information now. It is Ordained.

I don’t understand the attraction of being able to talk to computers using breezy casual conversational language; I’ve been telling these little digital bastards what to do for decades using extremely precise formalised language and they still get it wrong

i'm weird because i don't want a crappy ML bot to write code for me. writing code and figuring out how to make it work is the fun part of my job!

make the bots do meetings instead!

At FC this year I saw about five different close friends who i really wanted to say hi to, give a hug to. i hadn't seen them in years. But even so, I felt like I shouldn't approach, or that it wasn't my place, or that it wouldn't be appreciated, or would they even remember me at this point? So I clammed and hid behind my mask instead, and I really regret it now. Not loving what the pandemic has done to what little social courage I had.

Paper Art Cats!

They're torn.

They're folded.

They prefer the dry over the humid.

Pet with caution -- or they'll paper cut you!

#AI #Cats #Art #PaperArt #Paper #catsofmastodon

@tanaki i'm like 90% that these are not in fact from an AI. Which is great. Humans impersonating AIs for fame is like, so great

If love is not an option for you today, at least may your enemies suffer

I cannot keep this to myself. There is a website (radio.garden) where you can listen to radio stations all over the world for free. No log in. No email address. Nothing.

When the site loads, you are looking at the globe. Slide the little white circle over the green dots (each green dot is a radio station) until you find one you like.

I have been listening to this station in the Netherlands and it absolutely slaps. I have no idea what they're saying but the music is fantastic.

accidentally wrote "saad" instead of "saas" in a text to my partner; they immediately coined "Software as a Disappointment"

and honestly, where is the lie

i can tell im successfully dieting because i am hangry and exhausted and shouting at inanimate objects

@tilton haha yay! Welcome to leadership. My rough benchmark is to try to keep my work week to "only half" meetings and coordinative activities. 50% is the absolute lowest I could ever get that ratio at any of my tech lead jobs, and it was usually worse than that. I have to frequently remind myself that empowering others is my real job. Making myself productive at their expense (say, to lay a foundation or show the way) is sometimes the right thing, but usually not.

@hufman haha awful! i had a lot of reliability problems with ubiquity, gave up

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!