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Budapest public transport has a tram with see-through panels so people can peek into the mechanics of how the tram works. They even have signs explaining parts.

It's pretty fun. Every time I catch it I love to watch people marveling at it, kids and adults alike. 😄
#Budapest #PublicTransport #Hungary #trams

@Scatterplot haha! sometimes i wonder if it's so successful BECAUSE it's a trash fire. "meh its a mess, just do whatever" is tbh a more friendly situation for language learners than if it had clear, rigid rules and strong rejection for failing to learn them. still sucks though!

Hiya! I'm doing a bit of user research for a personal project, about how you organize your digital photos. I'd love it if you would take a couple minutes to fill out my anonymous survey!

(all questions optional, skip as much of it as you like.)

tech industry layoffs 

everything in this article is obvious if you've been following the trend of worker organizing in tech the past few years, but it's notable because it's literally the only piece of reporting I've seen so far that actually goes beyond credulously repeating CEOs' talking points to examine what's really going on

it's not about the economy, it's about reminding workers that they work at the pleasure of the bosses and putting fear back into the equation

A thing about ADD is you can be looking directly into someone's eyes while they're talking, brainstorming about all the ways you can become a better listener

saw this couple who apparently take their cats with them to the grocery store in a baby stroller??? those are some chill-ass cats

The cat just went over to the HomePod mini on my desk, meowed at it, and Siri said "sure here is some music for you" and the cat perched on the window sill listening to Garbage and Elliott Smith.

I just want to know how long this has been going on.

Maybe it's time to set up an AD account on Mastodon. Any recommendations for an instance that's NSFW-friendly?

Most economists agree that by the time you're 40, you should own:
- one square mile of the moon
- at least one enchanted dagger
- a hovercraft capable of outrunning the law
- a ghost filled minor castle on the moors
How are you doing?

@werecupine haha yeah that was p f'in bonkers! we waited an hour which was like, not toooooo bad but

not to brag but ive escaped every room ive ever been in

@pepemapache we leave ours up basically until St. Patrick's Day! lol. nobody will know ^^

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!