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I've finally gotten access to the Twitter API and my friends, their documentation is abject trash. It's literally thousands of short, detail-free "overview" pages which link to each other in a never-ending circle. This stuff was not written by anyone who understood the API, nor particularly wanted you to successfully use it.

TIL my stepmom has a pretty substantial weed stash. >.>

On a flight next to a couple guys in the sports fandom
- You are assigned a sportsona based on where you live, but can pick between a few species
- Your sportsona suit must come from an official source, though some bootleggers might have cooler stuff
- During a third of the year (based on species), dozens of sports cons are held every day, hosted by the local sportsona
- Millions of people keep track of who wins the dance comp at each con
- Look out, reg is super expensive for the popu-sports

heart emoji legend:

❤️ = standard level of fondness
🧡= idk if this one shows up on your OS but if it does: ;)
💛 = I adore your kind heart / sup, piss pal
💚 = Gamer Love™️
💙 = the most platonic color. no one shall suspect. im a genius
💜 = I’m outwardly flirty and inwardly screaming
🖤 = i’M a LiTtLe FuCkEd Up >;J
💖 = enough fuckin around, i’m bringing in The Big Guns
💕 = we’re dating at this point
💞 = we’re engaged at this point
💝 = sup, bondage pal
💔 = nobody uses this one. c’mon.

If you haven't seen these episodes of Drunk Star Trek by my friend Jon, they are fantastic.

Largest alcohol study ever finds that there is no average health benefit to any amount of alcohol consumption--- the healthiest amount to drink is not at all. Moreover, alcohol is the leading risk factor for deaths and disabilities in most age groups:

America, let's ask ourselves: why can't our congressional representatives also be dreamy?

PSA: during this transition period of TBD duration, this mastodon account is going to be pretty close to the same stuff I'm posting to twitter. You should feel free to adjust your reading strategy to whatever works best for you. If you want to follow one and mute the other, no hard feelings. I'll be here if you change your mind later.

Perhaps the twitter exodus is really going to happen!

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!