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sometimes i feel like the only thing of value i really learned from my megacorp job is that it IS possible to approach a heap of 587 depressing messages with steely-eyed determination, and grind through them all


my current cocktail is "the second wave":

- 1/2 shot homemade blackberry syrup
- 1/2 shot fresh lemon juice
- 2 shots bourbon

alcohol kills germs.

auto cw: could contain food 

i wouldn't say i'm very good at biscuits, i just like eating them. i have extremely warm hands, so my trick is to:

1. freeze a stick of butter
2. grate the frozen stick with a cheese grater
3. freeze the bowl of grated butter again

that seems to keep the butter from melting too fast when i mix in the buttermilk to make the dough. if i'm not in any particular hurry, i'll combine the flour and other dry ingredients with the grated butter and re-freeze *that" too.

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our household stands perpetually upon the brink of psychiatric collapse due to concern of having amassed too much, or not enough, leftovers for lunches

PSA: cloth and paper masks worn to help prevent spread of Coronavirus (and other diseases) do not need to form a seal to be effective.

They do two things:
a. capture most of the droplets you exhale/cough/sneeze out
b. slow down (and thus reduce the range of) any droplets not caught

If you have two layers of fabric covering your nose and mouth, you are wearing a fabric mask correctly.

If breath reflects off of them and escapes around the edges, that is just fine -- the bulk of the droplets were caught, and those few that leave around the edges are slowed a ton. Mission accomplished.

Misinformation on this point (most of which seems to be repeating proper fit and donning for PPE masks, which do need to form a seal) is leading people to not wear masks because they believe they are difficult or impossible to wear correctly.

what device manufacturers think their customers want: "The latest Smart Features! Spotify integration! More apps! New color schemes!"

what we actually want: "Don't fucking brick my hardware. Treat my device like its mine, not yours."

some overlooked human emotions:
-wamt fruit Now
-the way irish music sounds
-the guilt of leaving a mess you intend to clean up later only to return and find someone else has done it
-Do Not want to leave warm water
-eating toast
-the relief of turning the last night off at night and finally being in darkness

It's pretty depressing to have the last few things i was still looking forward to get canceled or ruined. I will force myself to think up new things to have hope for, I guess. But it's tough to stay positive.

stuck in useless and annoying video conferences all day? Why not switch off your camera and make progress on those long overdue sewing projects!

auto cw: could contain food 

last night, we made personal pizzas on the grill!

the dough is just a basic dough with some olive oil and about 10% whole wheat. nothing special, but leave it kneading for like 10 minutes so you can toss it like on TV

this is idiotic but i happened to notice my odometer hit all 6's and i couldn't let the occasion pass!


get yourself a boyfriend who loves you enough to make homemade gormet coffee liquor that makes a killer White Russian. in related news, I am drunk af rn

lockdown life tip: we all have habits built around being out and about... but now we're not! Consider spending 30 mins today thinking thu any mobile vs desktop apps, daily routines, household object/furniture placements, etc that may work better some other way for now.

covid-19 advice 

Here's a good article about exposure risks and personal protection. TLDR brief contact and outdoors are lower risk. Prolonged contact and indoors are higher risk, even with 6 foot distancing.

apparently duolingo is preparing me for socioeconomically respectful tourism

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!