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our house internet went down in the last minute of this meeting and cut it off. We were done anyway, but I was just saying thank you and wrapping up... I guess we'll call that "The AT&T Goodbye"

"When I hear people who say 'burn it all down' sometimes I wonder if they've ever built anything. Because building things is really hard."

back to work today after vacation, which managed to turn my depressed ennui into exciting panic attacks. yay?

about 15 years ago I accidentally left a somewhat low tip at a restaurant because I did some mental math wrong, and didn't notice until I got home. I still feel terrible about it whenever I remember. Brain, could we let it go please.

I love that my brain is perfectly fine with feeling socially exhausted/ over-scheduled AND feeling intense FOMO at not doing more social activities. Who put you in charge buddy

I've been playing this crappy farming game where you like, grow and sell turnips and shit. It has 4 growing seasons like you'd expect... but today the game casually mentioned that each season has 30 days. Which means that i'm actually an alien creature, farming on an alien planet that orbits its star every 2880 hours (!)

i cannot stop thinking about this

spent my entire weekend playing the "try to upgrade linux" minigame. it's not going well. >.>

beer before liquor... makes you fun quicker? It's something like that, right?

at my job there's an internal website that I check every day to see if I still have the same manager as yesterday. you never know!

always the dungeon master, never the player... XD

my cars have been so bored from sitting around this year that they made up names for themselves, like Culture Ships.

Please consider registering for digital FC 2021!

Even if zoom cons aren't your thing, the money will help the con stay afloat and be ready for 2022!

auto cw: could contain food 

part of this traditional southern breakfast

I have been hating myself this year for being "distractible" and unproductive at work. It's hard to focus, hard to stay motivated. But I think I've realized that I'm not actually distracted from work at all. Work IS the distraction. This year has made it impossible to ignore what's important: friends, relationships, place, health, life. Work was always what was pointless, and it's merely extra difficult to lie to myself about that this year.

checkout form: "and what is the expiration date of this credit card?"

me: "octob---"

checkout form: "🚨🚨🚨 THATS EXPIRED!!!! 🚨🚨🚨"

me: "let me fucking finish putting in the year okay? jesus."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!