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A thing about ADD is you can be looking directly into someone's eyes while they're talking, brainstorming about all the ways you can become a better listener

saw this couple who apparently take their cats with them to the grocery store in a baby stroller??? those are some chill-ass cats

The cat just went over to the HomePod mini on my desk, meowed at it, and Siri said "sure here is some music for you" and the cat perched on the window sill listening to Garbage and Elliott Smith.

I just want to know how long this has been going on.

Maybe it's time to set up an AD account on Mastodon. Any recommendations for an instance that's NSFW-friendly?

Most economists agree that by the time you're 40, you should own:
- one square mile of the moon
- at least one enchanted dagger
- a hovercraft capable of outrunning the law
- a ghost filled minor castle on the moors
How are you doing?

not to brag but ive escaped every room ive ever been in

It's itching me to buy this, just to see if it will respond with an http code 418 as is should!

i want a microwave with a button that turns it on two minutes before i remember that i left cold tea in the microwave

The boys have been experimenting with tempered chocolate, resulting in various unholy garbage candy creations >.>

ATTENTION! WE HAVE @greg_doucette FOR ALL YOUR BURNING LEGAL QUESTIONS like "is it legal to dig a spike lined pit on my property if I call it an art installation titled THE GAPING MAW OF CAPITALISM??"

(Also, please admire my friends' coffee table centerpiece)

Fellow Cats-
I made you a crossword to usher in 2023. The first three words you find will bring you to the new year.

me: "i dont need automated tests for this simple new feature. But what the heck, its raining outside, why not go ahead and add a simple test just to be pedantic"

new test: *immediately finds severe design flaw in new feature*

me: >.>

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!