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i swear to god there are more glitchy web implementations of "enter your credit card" than there are stars in the sky. i'd have thought by now there would be some welcome consolidation, but, nope

alternate timeline where archeologists never figured out how the Antikythera mechanism worked because the only written account they ever found in connection to it read, simply, "Newbie? Join our Discord and someone in our community will happily help you get up to speed..."

While deleting some old archives, I came across a discussion I saved. It was at an employer in ages past, and started with HR asking me to not look at porn at work, and ended with them agreeing that I shall continue doing what I've been doing, because it is relevant to my job.

The porn? @aphyr's jockstrap selfies. The relevancy? Jepsen.

The thread had a nice collection of evidence, and I chuckled all the way recollecting the whole situation. Fun times.

loose water filter bracket, you have crossed me for the last time

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!