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closeted trans feels (~/-) 

reading a fic where a newly out trans girl go clothes shopping for the first time, and.. god i just wish.. ugh :'(

my old physics teacher: you shouldn't anthropomorphise inanimate objects, the ball doesn't "want" to fall to the ground, the force of gravity causes it to

me, to all the inanimate objects on my desk: don't listen to the nasty man, he's just trying to be hurtful

mastodon app shenanigans 

i dont think tootdon supports image descriptions :\

flash fiction, digital weirdness 

The popup ads just won't go away. You've tried everything, but it's never more than a few minutes reprieve from the bright colors, the smiles, the low bitrate voices congratulating you, welcoming you, encouraging you to listen. Click them. But you have to use your computer, so you just sigh, move the windows aside, mute your speakers, and carry on. You'll drop your computer off at a repair place later. Let someone else deal with them.

hmmm i wonder if i get back into learning processing whether i should share my progress on it might get spammy if i do it here

*austin powers voice* i have considered what you have said, babby, and i am willing to say i am in complete agreement


okay so

i'm PRETTY sure that team rocket actually just wants to be friends with ash/brock/misty. they don't have any other friends and REALLY want to hang out but like don't know how to do it casually

@kalamatamari it goes On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On and On a...

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just a small-town girl
born and raised a midnight train
she took the streetlights
south detroit goes Don't Stop Believin'

the chorus of journey's Don't Stop Believin' except its just part with the words "don't stop" forever and onwards toward eternity, beyond the death of human Speech to the birth of the age of Knowing

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!