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there's a leftatlondon video/vine(?) where she says
is it gay...
to fall in love?"
and i can neither find it nor stop thinking about it

Why are only humans allowed to sign up to okcupid

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some real fuckin noise

adplay is spitting out garbage audio when messing around with Dune 2 .ADL files as expected =u=

I might write a haiku
but then again maybe I won't
maybe I'll fuck it up

in terms of mental health, why is it so hard to get a hold of literally any material to help you help people

anybody have experience with the trans crisis & peer support hotline? volunteering gets you training so i'd like that but i'm closeted

anybody know if the city/state info you provide bandcamp when signing up is visible by default?

hmm i think i'll use this avi for here, it feels more cozy :blobuwu:

me figuring out what the heck i just did with the multi-service crosspost 

hmmmmmm.. only problem with using a crossposter for art on here is i don't get to adjust alt tex

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me figuring out what the heck i just did with the multi-service crosspost 

okay, apparently moa did the job? i forgot about it since i set it up like the same day i joined mastodon and i didn't think it'd ever work

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!