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i get knocked down / but i get up again / you're never gonna boop my snoot

Wriggle Time starring Peter with special guest Snuggle Pink

you ever just so fucking proud of a friend for making incredible art

howdy peeps who make art (including music!), do you remember what first inspired you to make things?

think you're the shit huh? think you're the seducer of seville huh?? think you're the mastaDon Juan huh???

before i head to sleep, just remembering how good sarah & duck is and thinking how i should watch it again

*intro to the homestar runner website except it's a mlp crossover* 🎡 ~everypony,~ ~everypony~ 🎡

Terrible joke about tv and academia 

Wait, so The Master is a recurring character on a show named after The Doctor, but The Bachelor has his own TV franchise?
That just seems unfair…

fediverse, recommend me a game engine suitable for a beginner to make a simple 2D game in

boosts appreciated :boost_ok:

it's a language not without flaws (gender stuff comes to mind) but built into it are mechanisms that allow people to change it according to their needs and that's freaking cool

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if you think i won't end a sentence with a preposition, you got another thing coming pal...with

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!