Never again making fun of nerds complaining about their computer being 0.5 seconds slower

Having friends sounds so fun, wish I had some

My depression seem to be the worst since forever and I have nobody to talk to

I'm so fucking lonely
Why am I incapable of making friends

I want to cry
I need to cry
Why can't I cry
I hate this testosteronised body


I don't want to exist anymore

Can't believe they make me prove that I'm not a robot so I can read stuff made up by a robot

by some reasons beyond my understanding it now works again

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my steam deck can't connect to the internet :bunhdcry:​ it connects to the wifi just fine but then claims that there is no internet connection. all other devices on the same network work. I tried restarting the router and the deck. now i factory reseted it and it still doesn't work :psyduck:

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The other night I had a dream where I couldn't charge my steam deck because I couldn't find the right size barrel plug charger

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sorry my legs bounce too much when im sitting
its because i dont have a tail to wag

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Like me, perhaps you suffer from Sleep Debt.

I'm setting up a global marketplace to trade SLEEP OFFSET CREDITS. While you'll just be as tired as you were before, you'll sleep better* knowing that globally we're moving in the right direction.

* not actual sleep, will be SLEEP OFFSET CREDITS

I'm at work and my lunchbox is at home :bunhdsad:

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Red alert! An amazing trans woman in the bay area (whom I've met and admire) has had a health crisis and is facing eviction. She needs to raise money by Oct. 31 to avoid being out on the street

Please give if you can!

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Change your pronouns frequently, make sure they aren't easily guessed and use different ones for different accounts

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If we don't get a valve deckard confirmation soon I'm considering to join the dark side and get a quest 3

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!