Just out of interest, do people not in the UK know the lyrics to their national anthem?

'cause here most of us start mumbling half way through the second line

Ask us to sing Mr. Brightside and we'll belt it out no problem though

@troubleMoney Nope. Something with… "Einheit" I think?
And… uh… goooold? Maaaaaybe?

@troubleMoney I want to say "Freude", too, but I think that's Beethoven's Ninth?

@kirby @troubleMoney "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit für das Deutsche Vaterland", iirc?

@lambdagrrl @troubleMoney That… sounds about right?
Which means it sounds very wrong, because "Vaterland" 🤢


@kirby national anthems in being kinda fashy shocker

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