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what if i just slipped and dropped something heavy and then oops i accidentally smashed capitalism

The barista here is super pretty... I'm very gay rn


came up with a song idea that's making me cry

why am I such a wreck of a person

Can't wait for the year 2100 when abbreviating with "k" finally makes the year longer



Ahh damnit I didn't realise it was pancake day and I'm not sure I have the energy and/or ingredients to participate :(

Can someone call me and tell me there's a homosexual emergency I need to attend to? Work is exhausting.


Lab supervision is clearly an ideal place to be dissociating.

Fire alarm has me standing outside while my marking, hopefully, burns

My paper reviews came in today. They were not good.

I also have marking to do today, so clearly I am very much enjoying life right now.

I think I would like someone to teach me witchcraft

today I wrote:
- a pop-punk song about a relationship dying
- a passage in my story where two people have an incredibly awkward conversation in a cafe

this is... fine...

There is also a drunk ranting about football and I just saw a guy walk past who looked like a cross between a math professor and Cypher from the Matrix

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There's about three or four protests happening today in the market square lol


Why am I always too much for even myself :(

Jenny H boosted

An old term for trans women is the etymological root of the word "bad"
"Bad" means you.
The image of Baphomet, the embodiment of evil, is you.
Scythian priestesses who wore tall pointy hats (western image of witches) drank potions of mares' urine (estrogen) because they were you.
Throughout western history, the nexus of evil that strikes fear in to the hearts of men is (almost always) you.
You are metal as fuck!
Own that shit.
There's lightning in your fingertips.

Damnit, lab supervision is probably a bad time to get anarchist punk stuck in my head

I require rest and cuddles, but instead I have coffee and lab supervision :(

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!