Today's sorting includes:
-- 5 unopened packages of wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper;
-- NanoJuice brand fancy portable charger;
-- a Very Suspicious Knife;
-- and 15 apartment keys.
The number of apartment keys is ... alarmingly large this year. Usually it's around 3 to 5. And the Suspicious Knife is Very Suspicious.
Sorting completed, hurrah! Highlights include:
-- an analog wall clock;
-- as nearly as I can tell a real cashmere scarf;
-- somebody's polyester interview tie;
-- an apple-brand tablet pencil that's also magnetic, and;
-- a dell brand tablet pencil;
-- a very suss off-brand chip card reader;
-- and finally, a power charger for something no one can identify.
@lbrianwrites show me the power charger, i'll take a crack at it 👀
@mavica_again If you're interested in odd power chargers, my family recently unearthed this power cable for a long-discarded DSL modem and I haven't quite been able to discover a name for it.
@mavica_again Yeah, my fam has always been early internet adopters, so it makes sense we'd have a modem from slightly before things got really standardized. We were thinking of selling it on ebay, but for now I'm off to wiki DIN cables. Thanks for giving it a name! :)