Mastodon gets un-suspended and then goes for the posterizing dunk right out of the gate #tech #socialmedia
PSA: you can once again order free COVID tests from the US government.
And the follow-up is "As long as people still promote Rocky Horror Picture Show, I doubt it will happen," so, I'm pretty sure "decent" in this context doesn't refer to performance or costume quality.
Zuckland is so strange sometimes, if my family wasn't there I don't know that I'd stay.
@quartzen I feel like this formula gets followed too rigorously and, as I read more into the self-pub area, I find that this sort of thing leaves me profoundly unsatisfied. Especially the "your characters are not characters, your characters are tropes that pull numbers" part. For me, tropes should be the byproduct not the focus.
Finally contacted Cat3's original owner re looking for a new place for her to be. For every good interaction we have, there's a 7-inch long scratch on my forearm or deep bruise on my hand for when she decides to murder me. For every time she ignores Cat2 outside her room, there's a time when she's running full tilt into the baby gate snarling at him for doing the same thing. I think Cat3 just needs a home w/o other cats.
I don't feel quite right trying to force the issue with kitty Prozac - Cat3 isn't all-over stressing anymore, it's just Cat2 that makes her see red. I just... I don't know.
I need to make a text to the original owner of Cat3 letting her know I am not Cat3's forever home, but I do not want to have that convo. Cat3's come around on the subject of me, but is still gunning for Cat2's blood more than a month in. I have so many conflicting emotions. I've never failed a cat before.
Me: There are gingerbread cookies at work. I am going to eat them.
Also Me: You're allergic to cinnamon! Like, epipen-allergic not bathroom-emergency-allergic!
Me, yet again: My throat only gets painfully tight for a half hour, and the difficulty swallowing means I can't have more than two so it works out.
@mavica_again I had just figured out Twitter, too. I'm too old for all this.
Aspiring writer. old. incorrectly queer. General gloomy gus.