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I was reminded on the weekend that our 's envelope settings were a bit narrow, limiting attack, decay, and sustain to 2 seconds each. Switched that to using our InfinitySlider component, so now you can go just absolutely ham :) Will it ? You bet it will ambient ;)

I herd u liek step probability in sequencers - how about sequencers with polyphonic abilities, and per note probability, but maybe also semi deterministic things? Maybe? ;) the logic required to make this work was... surprisingly uncomplicated, actually quite happy with it :)

Small update on the whole scales thing, here - found a list, so I just kind of... went with all of them ;)

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Oh, and a fun random additional thing there - there is a problem with gear (that is, things that are not a vehicle) bought on the pledge store at the moment. Basically, if you lose it, you've lost it until the next patch drops. BUT! The next patch, version 3.23, has a HUGE pile of things being added in, and one of those things is what you can see in the screenshot here (and read in the alt text). It is still marked tentative, but they've recently had pretty good track record of getting things in

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I heard that it's :D Have this shot from last Sunday of Rattie and myself ready to head off and do some parcel deliveries and look for bear head helmets in ;) photo by King Dimitrius, taken at the Cornerstone watch party - and what a party it was!

Did you know that has quite a lot of lore? For example, a drinks company called Fieldsbury did a campaign with their bear mascot for Day of the Vara (the in universe Halloween style celebration), and it caught on, and now a replica company makes helmets in that's style. And you can pick them up in game, and they look like this :) (oh, and there's a really good deal on the Cutter starter pack, see my link here - no free fly, though!)

My good friend and brilliant artist Aspen, a full time artist, is doing a donation drive, because, well, his computer upped and died on him. This, i hope obviously, is not a great place to be in for a self employed artist with a usually digital focus. If you can help at all, check the picture here for instructions, or over on FA:

Friendly ice cream seller person on the first night of told me I had to try this pastry, a local thing called Bougatsa, and I finally took time to find some... at the airport ;)

Gap bridging time! @sitter making words about the Selenium ui testing tool, and talking about foggy forests :)

Matrix and ActivityPub stuff going on in room 2 at - and also important and definitely real, historical quotes ;)

Time for day two, with the @kdenlive team talking about their amazing video editor :)

This is what it looked like from the outside while we were recording - just us in my RSI Constellation Phoenix being pretty, with PO being pretty, and the gas giant Crusader also being pretty in the background. Personally think it's pretty, anyway ;)

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Want to try out Star Citizen for free? Fly about in basically every ship available in the game? Sure you do! Use my link here, and check the longer blurb in the attached image to see what's up :) The event runs from 18th to 30th (and don't ignore the link, there's a bit of free stuff in it for us both ;) ) You can sign up now, and then come back on Friday to add in the free-fly access code, i'll post that when we have it :)

This Friday, i'm heading off to attend Akademy 2022 down in lovely Barcelona - after two years of (otherwise excellent) online versions, it will be good to see people in person again! :D (if you can't make it in person, it also runs online - check for details, and register for online attendance)

Want to try out Star Citizen for free? Fly about in eight of the game's most popular ships? Sure you do! Use my link here, and check the longer blurb in the attached image to see what's up :) (don't ignore the link, there's the potential for free stuff in it for us both ;) )

Mimosas for award ceremonies ;) The final bits of by for this year, and congratulations to this year's winners of the Akademy Awards! :D

There we go, coffee in hand, telly pointed at the room 1 stream (for now, i'll be in room 2 tomorrow, come watch!). Ready for by :D

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!