For the love of life people just switch to firefox. Chrome sucks. No, Brave sucks too. Get out of there, and get Firefox with uBlock Origin.
It's #BandcampFriday, the day where Bandcamp waives their fees and all the profits go towards the artists!
As usual, if you haven't checked out my music I'd recommend my album "In Flux" to start!
Bandcamp Friday's are the best way to support independent artists. On average, when someone buys a copy of "In Flux" it's the equivalent of 1700 individual streams on Spotify!
@RedIzak aw buppy! Always hugs, yes :)
@arielmt alright, I'm afraid this leaves me no choice but to squint at you while I sip my tea. ;)
of the environmental impact of computing, i think its very important to mention that storing shit is still pretty free. what really demands Power and Space and Water is to constantly throw all that data into the perpetual surveillance machine. storing a trillion cat pictures is cheap and small. putting it all thru multiple extremely heavy analysis processes per day just so google has useless metadata about you, is extremely expensive and what Business is really all about today. thats where the big money is being poured into
Please help us get to 10k, sign and share, we want to see if the gov are still using the same copy and paste reply 😂
Petition: Hold a referendum on re-joining the European Union
@Saki heyyyy, merry possmass! :D
@Plus_Ultra this literally came up in the org voice chat earlier, thank you for the link :D
@Dairishgoat the critically overlooked Electric Dreams anthology series? ;)
Remembrance has become a performative act here in the UK, a means by which people demonstrate their patriotism to each other and pay lip service to the dead, all while ignoring the human cost of conflict.
If poppy disease makes you feel sick, give a couple of quid to SSAFA instead. SSAFA is the Armed Forces charity. They've successfully managed to avoid being politicised and have stayed true to their mission.
The #Tories are a real & present danger to #democracy as it now seems they are seeking to widen the definition of 'extremism' to include anyone who is 'undermining' Britain!
Such a catch-all phrase will likely give the police the ability to shut down pretty much any dissent:.
The leaked document states: 'Extremism is the promotion or advancement of any ideology which aims to overturn or undermine the UK’s system of parliamentary democracy, its institutions & values'!
Software influences energy consumption. Knowing how to minimize it can improve battery life and is greener for the environment.
Learn how we are working on this at KDE in 'Measuring energy consumption of software' from #Akademy2023, now available online.
As a few people have asked. Here's the link to the organ patreon.
Situation is that one third of our triumverate has sadly had to drop out. This has left us £300 odd a month short on rent.
We've mainly been trying to do it using our own cash. But this is a bit much.
It's all still starting out so we don't have much to offer in return yet bar our eternal gratitude.
Our plan is to do a Christmas/New year/both broadcast. So Of course, patrons will have access to this early, as well as any other stuff we do.
We'll be looking to include supporters in the newsletter. As well as offering other things/tiers.
If you are in the East Midlands area of the UK. Physical help is always appreciated. Mainly for lift and shift. but building work, electrical/wiring, soldering & various other things are always going on.
Please boost this as best you can.
The sooner we can get sorted, the sooner we can start making content and growing things <3
Youtube -
Patreon -
I slowly creep away from anything involving data-scraping, government backdoors, mass surveillance, etc, but not because I understand the issues in any depth.
It's because I read my Terry Pratchett.
“Cheery was aware that Commander Vimes didn't like the phrase 'The innocent have nothing to fear', believing the innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like 'The innocent have nothing to fear'.”
― Terry Pratchett, Snuff
weirdo free/libre open source software person, member of the KDE community since forever, who loves squeaky, slinky and fuzzy things - they/them