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leinir boosted

Does it bother anyone else that the people who get to decide what's a riot and what's a protest are the same ones people are protesting against?

Gee. Sure are a lot of 'Riots' lately.

Goodness me this is starting to seem like a lot of words...

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"Dad," she called, "there are monsters under the bed!"
"Are they?" he called back.
She hadn't thought about that.
"Monsters?" she whispered.
"We are dust bunnies."
"But you sound scary."
"We grow. We watch. We grow... angry. We grow..."
"Yes! Lead us to the rich!"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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trans survey, UK, TransActual 

"TransActual exists to raise the voices of people within the UK's trans community. We’re about to sit down and develop our plan for the next few years and we need your help. We need to know what matters to you.

Please note: only UK based trans people or people with a trans history should complete this survey. Cis allies and trans people outside of the UK, we love you but this isn't for you.

You can complete this survey completely anonymously, there is no obligation to supply your contact details."

leinir boosted

Some awesome things about my native language, Tagalog, on #NonBinaryDay:
- No gendered pronouns ("siya" is for everyone)
- No distinction between gender for a lot of relationships ("kapatid" means sibling)
- No grammatically gendered nouns or articles ("ang")
- The common form of many nouns is neutral. ("doktor" isn't always a male doctor, it's just anyone who's a doctor)
- It's entirely possible (even common) to tell a story and not mention anyone's gender.

Gender is a construct. 🇵🇭

leinir boosted

Hey folks!

In this con-less year, perhaps take some time to support furry publishers as well! A lot of books tend to be sold at cons, and that income is important! So check these guys out:

Rabbit Valley:

Art by Pac

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RT Thanks Caudle. And you’re right. Till this year about half our sales came from conventions. Less sales means less royalties we can pay to independent furry artists and authors.


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leinir boosted

The release of @opensuse Leap 15.2 brings @kde LTS version of Plasma. If you haven't tried Plasma 5.18, you don't know what you are missing; really -

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Black lives matter.
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
Enbies are valid.
No person is illegal.

Science is real.
Humanism is for everyone.
Love is love.
Self-care is important.

Defund the police.
Defund the military.
Abolish ICE.

Build resilient community support networks.
Be a helper, if you can.

leinir boosted

Wizards of the Coast is looking for BIPOC freelance writers

so if you write fantasy and are of those identities, please go make my favorite game less painfully white

So you know how i'm a writer? (you don't? you should fix that! ;) ) i'm also kind of one of those lgbtq+ peeps you hear about sometimes. The Furry Writers' Guild uses Pride Month to highlight writers who are that, and this week it's... me! :)

leinir boosted

So, remember about a month ago when stuff about the Linux Fox Girl went around? Someone reportedly tracked down Alan Mackey, and got his blessing on giving her a name (Xenia), and accidentally confirmed the character to be trans.


Oh look! of The Voice of Dog has read another of my stories, and this one has rats, pigeons, tea, music, and council offices! :D

leinir boosted


i built a tool for quickly scrubbing metadata from images and selectively blurring faces and identifiable features. it runs on a phone or computer, and doesn't send info anywhere.

process your images so that you and others are safe:


The other day i promised that my story "No Peas In My Garden" was going to show up on Khaki's Voice of Dog daily story podcast. Today is that day, and now is that time! If you have twenty minutes, why not have a listen? :)

1900 CET on the 12th of May 2020, my story "No Peas In My Garden" will be read by Khaki, on - a new short story each day, each with an uplifting ending. Definitely sign up and have a listen :D

leinir boosted

If you teach development, the first thing you should be teaching… before HTML, CSS, JS, etc., is ETHICS.

Teach your students to avoid 3rd-party surveillance-based APIs/components. Teach them to de-centre themselves… to build tools owned and controlled by the people who use them.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!