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Plasma developer David Edmundson demonstrates how a desktop using Wayland, Qt6 and KWin can recover from a catastrophic crash as if nothing had happened.

You will lose no data, the video you were watching will not skip a frame, and the contents of your clipboard will remain intact.


leinir boosted

"Research shows 150 Indigenous communities acknowledge multiple genders; colonialism introduced idea of binary"

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Every time I hear people argue that copyright is bad because rich psychopaths and powerful corporations abuse it, I think back to reading Jurassic Park and getting annoyed that Crichton really did write a novel about how science is bad because rich psychopaths and powerful corporations abuse it.

Think of how “X is bad because rich psychopaths and powerful corporations abuse it” is also regularly deployed to attack basic commerce, medicine, climate action, and many other things, and maybe, maybe you will finally notice that there’s actually one glaring common denominator right under your nose.

If you refuse to… well, I can only promise one thing: whatever you invent to replace copyright, please know in advance that rich psychopaths and powerful corporations will abuse it.

leinir boosted

It's coming! The date for the big release of KDE's new desktop environment has been set.

#Plasma6 should land on your computer in February 2024 🤞.

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Hi Internet! I'm Drew and THIS IS MY FACE.

If this GIF has ever brought you joy in the past, I humbly ask you to consider making a donation to the National MS Society. It would mean a lot to me and to those I know affected by the disease!

Donate at

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leinir boosted

Can we get a solarpunk rival to burning man, where people congregate to permanently upgrade civic infrastructure somewhere instead? Like a convention of hippy nerds going door to door offering to install free insulation, guerilla gardening on empty lots, repairing derelict houses, running volunteer transit, hosting pop-up pay-what-you-can grocers and restaurants.. something that revels in _mattering_ instead of "leaving no trace" (but at exorbitant cost)

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leinir boosted

If you're in the UK and are looking for a gig doing PHP/Laravel, deployments, and GIS, the #SlowWays team is hiring a 4 days a week person at £40k:

SlowWays is a project to create a walking network for the whole of the UK. I've walked many of their routes!


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UK peeps: Please consider signing this parliamentary petition (Stop the passing of the Online Safety Bill)?

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leinir boosted

As Mitch McConnell makes news again for what appears to be some kind of neurological crisis, just your regular reminder not to be an ageist, ableist asshole when you talk about him.

Mocking his cognitive struggles won’t hurt him, won’t even scratch him. But I promise your mocking •will• hurt somebody else who’s listening.

This is a guy who’s spent his life championing white supremacy, war, inequality, and environmental destruction. Punch that. Make people feel bad for that.

My good friend and brilliant artist Aspen, a full time artist, is doing a donation drive, because, well, his computer upped and died on him. This, i hope obviously, is not a great place to be in for a self employed artist with a usually digital focus. If you can help at all, check the picture here for instructions, or over on FA:

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leinir boosted

We no longer live in the age of Lost Media. We live in the age of Active Erasure by corporations who have the means to preserve it but the financial impetus to destroy it. #LostMedia #ActiveErasure #HBOMax #wbdiscovery #wb #Max #Disney #DisneyPlus #Google

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@androcat Talked to a lady who worked for the tax authority here in Norway once. She told me straight away that welfare fraud is such a minor phenomenon that it has zero effect on the welfare budget. She followed that up by saying, "So we need to decide what kind of society we want - one where we're so afraid that someone might get some help they didn't qualify for, at the risk of depriving many others who need that help? Or one where we help folks through tough times and help them become tax payers again?"
A year or two later, I read a study that showed a significant amount of "welfare fraud" cases are folks who genuinely believed they qualified.
The more accessible benefits are, the better for everyone, ultimately.

leinir boosted

When I see city/town streets devoid of weeds and decorated with plastic flower towers in full bloom in the middle of the summer heat, I always assume they are run by Tories because they care more about appearances than living creatures or people.

This opinion comes from having grown up in such a place.

Dayum, the patch notes for the (newly released, overnight) ptu test patch for 3.20 are so large that they added three replies to the notes with more notes. Kind of a lot :D

leinir boosted

Taken from Bluesky: Joe Murray, creator of Rockos Modern Life, noticed that people were price gouging his out of print animation book. So he released it as a free ebook.

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Discussing the British Press, and I'm reminded of the time when I had a moderate amount of celebrity in the UK LGBT community, and the press tried to do a hit piece on me.

Now here's the thing. There's a cheat code, and I'm going to explain what it is:

They will contact you for comment.

If you say nothing, they will publish the piece and say you were offered the chance to comment.

If you tell them to fuck off, they will publish the price and say your response was foul and unprintable.

I did neither of these things. I told them that this piece wasn't journalism. It was ridiculous tittle tattle and represented everything that was wrong with a failing and dying industry more obsessed with clickbait than proper reporting. I asked them if they didn't have proper news to report, and said that they should be ashamed of themselves.

They're basically screwed at that point. "We contacted Ms Brown for comment and she said that this was ridiculous tittle tattle and that the reporter should be ashamed of herself."

They're not gonna say that.

I'm struck by something one of my history teachers once said about medieval castles. They weren't meant to be impregnable. They were meant to be annoying enough that an invading army would decide to investigate other priorities instead.

The piece never ran.

If you're a trans person in the crosshairs of the British press, make yourself an annoying target. They're on a deadline, and if you make them conclude that life is too short, they will leave you the fuck alone.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!