Ooh good, there's a UK distributor of furry books now :) https://thebookbadgers.square.site/
We no longer live in the age of Lost Media. We live in the age of Active Erasure by corporations who have the means to preserve it but the financial impetus to destroy it. #LostMedia #ActiveErasure #HBOMax #wbdiscovery #wb #Max #Disney #DisneyPlus #Google
@androcat Talked to a lady who worked for the tax authority here in Norway once. She told me straight away that welfare fraud is such a minor phenomenon that it has zero effect on the welfare budget. She followed that up by saying, "So we need to decide what kind of society we want - one where we're so afraid that someone might get some help they didn't qualify for, at the risk of depriving many others who need that help? Or one where we help folks through tough times and help them become tax payers again?"
A year or two later, I read a study that showed a significant amount of "welfare fraud" cases are folks who genuinely believed they qualified.
The more accessible benefits are, the better for everyone, ultimately.
When I see city/town streets devoid of weeds and decorated with plastic flower towers in full bloom in the middle of the summer heat, I always assume they are run by Tories because they care more about appearances than living creatures or people.
This opinion comes from having grown up in such a place.
Dayum, the patch notes for the (newly released, overnight) ptu test patch for #StarCitizen 3.20 are so large that they added three replies to the notes with more notes. Kind of a lot :D https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048/thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-20-0-ptu-8671107-patch-notes
Taken from Bluesky: Joe Murray, creator of Rockos Modern Life, noticed that people were price gouging his out of print animation book. So he released it as a free ebook. https://joemurraystudio.com/books-by-joe-murray/
Discussing the British Press, and I'm reminded of the time when I had a moderate amount of celebrity in the UK LGBT community, and the press tried to do a hit piece on me.
Now here's the thing. There's a cheat code, and I'm going to explain what it is:
They will contact you for comment.
If you say nothing, they will publish the piece and say you were offered the chance to comment.
If you tell them to fuck off, they will publish the price and say your response was foul and unprintable.
I did neither of these things. I told them that this piece wasn't journalism. It was ridiculous tittle tattle and represented everything that was wrong with a failing and dying industry more obsessed with clickbait than proper reporting. I asked them if they didn't have proper news to report, and said that they should be ashamed of themselves.
They're basically screwed at that point. "We contacted Ms Brown for comment and she said that this was ridiculous tittle tattle and that the reporter should be ashamed of herself."
They're not gonna say that.
I'm struck by something one of my history teachers once said about medieval castles. They weren't meant to be impregnable. They were meant to be annoying enough that an invading army would decide to investigate other priorities instead.
The piece never ran.
If you're a trans person in the crosshairs of the British press, make yourself an annoying target. They're on a deadline, and if you make them conclude that life is too short, they will leave you the fuck alone.
Like old magazines about computers? Why not subscribe to the Time Machine Subscription Service?
You get:
* 12 Computer / Console Magazines ranging from 1980 – 2004ish
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* Excitement of getting stuff in the mail
(I've basically got loads of old magazines to get rid of, servers to pay for, and though this would be a fun way of dealing with it)
More info here:
This is what a privatised health service looks like.
No vaccine if you are poor, no vaccination program for the common good, just private companies making money from those who can afford to pay.
Covid booster jabs to be approved for sale to UK public
Bills like the UK's so-called Online Safety Bill and the just re-introduced EARN IT Act undermine safety by attacking end-to-end encryption. #noearnitact #makedmssafe
QT signalapp: Our position remains clear. We will not back down on providing private, safe communications. Today, we join with other encrypted messengers pushing back on the UK's flawed Online Safety Bill.
It's a great day to play a quarter century old game in your web browser!
I mean, its wipeout, soundtrack and everything.
Oh look! @furrywritersguild is here on the fediverse now :) #writing #furries
Instead of wondering if something is normal, ask if it's harmful.
Dressing up as an anthropomorphic animal character isn't normal, but it makes a lot of people smile.
Being exceptionally talented isn't normal, but it sure offers a way to enrich your life as well as the people you care for.
To hell with normal. To hell with being afraid of being called weird. Furries figured this out decades ago. Many anime fans and gamers, too.
Yet, I hear people ask things like, "Is it normal to feel the way I do?"
I dunno.
Does it make your life harder? Then you might want to do something about it. Does it cause harm to others? Definitely do something to correct it.
But to cry when you watch movies? Or to want to cuddle so much that you lose any interest in actually having sex? Or to hate the world we inherited so much that it hurts, and so you channel it into helping others suffer a little less?
Who gives a shit about normal. That's human.
Are there any #linux people who do #musicproducion on #OpenSUSE? With a low latency kernel and all that jazz? Preferably with #bitwig and VSTs and all that crap. That's where I'm headed in the future so I want to know how much faff there is. Back in the day I used Ubuntu Studio which was great.
KDE Telemetry collects data on you, if you opt-in, and it has a clear description of what is collected, why, what the retention policy is and how you can switch it back off.
It's off by default, and distributors of binaries (e.g. distro's) can disable it entirely at compile time.
That's how it should be (policy is here: https://community.kde.org/Policies/Telemetry_Policy )
i don't get mansplained to nearly as much on bluesky, and that's not because bluesky stumbled on some kind of magical feminist UI design, it's because mastodon is dominated by FOSS nerds, who have a terrible culture
What an unforgettable #Akademy2023! Thank you to our sponsors, attendees (in-person and online), University of Macedonia, Akademy Team, and volunteers for making it a success.
For updates about #Akademy, keep an eye on https://akademy.kde.org/!
“Tech experts are starting to doubt that ChatGPT and A.I. ‘hallucinations’ will ever go away: ‘This isn’t fixable’”
More accurately, AI researchers have always said that this isn’t fixable but y’all were too obsessed with listening to con artists to pay attention but now the con is wearing thin. https://fortune.com/2023/08/01/can-ai-chatgpt-hallucinations-be-fixed-experts-doubt-altman-openai/
weirdo free/libre open source software person, member of the KDE community since forever, who loves squeaky, slinky and fuzzy things - they/them