I thought I'd give it a go, fuck it, they aren't too expensive or too big, why not, I'll sell some others to make room (I will not)
So I found an agent, emailed them to confirm it was ok to ship these items, they said yeah sure fine no problem
So ordered them both. One was purchased. The other was refunded saying they can't buy electronic items.
Every reply I get from them is like they've only read my most recent email and forgotten everything I said in every previous one
They've just now asked what I'm trying to buy and where I want it shipped to
I told them that like three fucking times already
@lion Which service is this?
@NekoEd Hagobuy
@lion Never even heard of that one. I used to use Superbuy before the cost of shipping batteries got far too expensive to justify continuing.
So their latest reply said they can buy it after all so I'm trying again
Wish me luck