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current thought process: this anime i like has finished its current run -> maybe i'll read the manga -> but i don't like reading comics on a computer or phone -> hey i should get a tablet! -> now i am researching cheap tablets (recommendations welcome btw)

image uploads aren't working for me atm so just imagine i posted this niche reference here as well

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@arielmt hey, i haven't been able to post images on here for a couple of days, i get a 500 error, and now images from other instances don't seem to be loading either, is something up?

watched the latest episode of elusive samurai, didn't realise it was gonna be the last :(( i hope it gets renewed
it's a very good show though, you should watch it

yesterday i released a new version of my GBA dumping program that now "officially" supports YJencrypted dumping (it's been on an experimental branch for ages) and also documented the extremely tedious process for dumping those carts

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

new blogpost! I took a closer look at MMC/SD history, and the deeper I dug, the less truth I found in the common factoid that β€œSD happened because companies wanted a card with DRM” - to a point where I’d like to dispute it in general.

read it here:

taizou boosted

I really hate "two factor" auth. Like, cool, I get it, it let's you pretend you can divest responsibility for security and recovery, but also it means dropping my phone too hard could be a life disrupting event so somehow I don't really feel like this is for my benefit.

was feeling like shit today but I had a curry and I think it has fixed me

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

if these things had any more fans they'd be ONLY F(is immediately killed)

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been doing some more thought/research into building a new pc. you seem to need a lot more fucking fans than you did 10 years ago

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taizou boosted

P.A.W.S.: Personal Automated Wagging System (Domestic Funk/Digital Garden/Organa, Mac/Windows/CD-i, 1995/1998)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!