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hey just an FYI for my followers on here that this instance has been having problems with image posts for a few days so just in case you've @ me with an important picture of your cat or something i might not have seen it

@arielmt unfortunately they still haven't started working for me :(
it seems like image-containing posts aren't being pulled through here at all now, e.g doesn't show posts more recent than 5 days here, but on its own instance it's still posting hourly

I ended up getting a Redmi Pad Pro, so far it's really nice! I'm posting this on it

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@shoofle Yeah ofc like so many "trends" it's defined by the people who are mad about it so who knows really how much it reflects reality

@shoofle Like people complain a lot about "puriteens" but these attitudes arent formed in a vacuum right? I think a lot of it comes from a generation raised online experiencing the ppl only a few years older than them, who previously they wouldve learned from, instead pulling up the barriers and insisting all this stuff is bad for your undeveloped young brain

@shoofle Yeah I've been thinking about this too tbh. It's such a widely accepted idea even in progressive communities these days that young ppl online must be locked in baby jail until they turn 18 and then they get turned loose in the unencumbered sexodrome. and thats not a recipe for healthy development for anyone!
You end up with teens either faking their age and entering risky situations or internalising "it is wrong for me to be having these feelings at my age and I need to suppress them"

@RavenWorks thanks, that's definitely given me food for thought :bunhdthink:​:bunhdthink:​:bunhdthink:​

taizou boosted

Stop saying Steve Jobs' middle name was "hand". You shouldn't spread misinformation even if it's funny. His middle name was "paw"

@RavenWorks Btw the Tab S7+ is 12" right? How do you find that size for reading on? I've been looking mostly in the 10-11" range cos I thought 12 inchers might be a bit bulky/heavy to hold, but a bigger screen would be nice... :bunhdthink:​

@RavenWorks Well I mainly want it for reading right now yeah, but i do see myself wanting to use it for other things once I have it & I don't want to be too constrained by a crappy processor

Like I don't need a top end powerhouse but I don't want something that apparently chokes on 1080p youtube playback either

@Triplefox yeah i'm trying to pick one that has a guaranteed couple of years updates from the manufacturer at least. a lot of the budget brands are tempting in terms of specs for the price but they basically get no updates

@Triplefox I do have an old kindle kicking around somewhere tbh but I'd like something more flexible & also able to install some official manga reader apps

Hell I still have an old Teclast x86-based dual Android/Windows tablet too but the Android side is way too outdated to be usable now & even when new it had app compatibility issues, it was surprisingly way better as a windows machine

one i thought was interesting was the TCL NXTPAPER 11 which has a paper-like textured screen that apparently makes it good for reading but the downside appears to be that it has an absolutely potato level CPU in it that struggles with pretty much everything

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current thought process: this anime i like has finished its current run -> maybe i'll read the manga -> but i don't like reading comics on a computer or phone -> hey i should get a tablet! -> now i am researching cheap tablets (recommendations welcome btw)

image uploads aren't working for me atm so just imagine i posted this niche reference here as well

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@arielmt hey, i haven't been able to post images on here for a couple of days, i get a 500 error, and now images from other instances don't seem to be loading either, is something up?

watched the latest episode of elusive samurai, didn't realise it was gonna be the last :(( i hope it gets renewed
it's a very good show though, you should watch it

yesterday i released a new version of my GBA dumping program that now "officially" supports YJencrypted dumping (it's been on an experimental branch for ages) and also documented the extremely tedious process for dumping those carts

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!