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Honestly City Connection haven't missed with one of these revivals yet, at least from the ones I've played
Jajamaru, Psyvariar, Penguin Wars, Soldam and this are all fucking good and Rushing Beat X looks promising too

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taizou boosted

While waiting for Internet Archive to return, 51 terabytes of extracted data from 26,000 CD-ROMs are waiting for you to search and enjoy at DISCMASTER.

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

web32: dc.w 12,4 ;diagonal arse shape
dc.w -3,4,-4,6,-4,8,-3,10,-1,11,1,11,3
dc.w 10,2,12,2,14,3,16,5,17,7,17,9,16,-3,4,0

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

@tabor62gb tbh its been a while since I looked into it but I think it's just testing the sram/save data is ok, you might see it if the battery is dead or the sram chip is bad or something

@tabor62gb ah that makes more sense yeah. They have that SRAM test thing in a lot of their games, even the GBA ones

@tabor62gb Weird I've only seen that screen in Vast Fame games before

taizou boosted

I saved it and closed them both. I have won the tabs war

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i've finally gone through all the 1000+ tabs i had open in my old desktop pc's browser and i'm now down to two (2)

one is the tab i'm posting this from and the other is a piece of furry art i can't bring myself to close yet

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!