re: non-vague end of week 2 spoiler 

@vikxin yeah that is where i am, the thing i'm talking about is the end of week 2 where you beat sho & he does his big explosion thing & joshua sacrifices himself to save neku

...... if any of that was a mislead and they come back later well i don't know anything about that yet :bunhdpeek:​

re: not a twewy spoiler 

@vikxin i already met that bastard!!! my noooo was about what happens after the boss fight against him

also i never want to hear the phrase "zetta slow" again in my life. cool lionsona though

vague twewy spoiler 

joshua nooooooo πŸ˜­β€‹πŸ˜­β€‹πŸ˜­β€‹

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!