Took off his nifty cool future card player eyepatch so you could see his full lionicity.
There is no quest, just a lion who got VERY lost while trying to figure out where his mystic cards went. Long story short, there was a portal to a place where a bunch of kids had spiky hair and the rest is self-explanatory...
#OSRS chathead for the ready to duel TheBaileyLion over on Twitter!
@jk There's some neat lore around Dig Dug. Exidy was showing a prototype digging game called "The Pit" at a trade show and a bunch of curious Namco engineers were poking at it.
"We described how you would find the Dragon and blow it up. Not ‘you kill it’ but specifically ‘you blow it up’. The Japanese gave us an old-fashioned look then made expanding gestures, then “boom”. The point being that when we said “blow it up” they thought “inflate.”