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I Think what happened was the first script purged the references to the revisions in the "archive" table, meanwhile the second script is looking for references in the "content" table which was not actually touched by the first script
so uhhhhh I guess I can try and identify orphaned content entries myself and delete them and then run the second script and hope I don't fuck everything up

How did I even get here this has nothing to fucking do with Docker

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so i ran a mediawiki script to purge the deleted revisions, which worked
but that script then runs another script to purge orphaned text records (which are the thing that is actually taking up the space) and that... did nothing
cool cool thanks

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taizou boosted

oh christ it's from when i had open talk pages and they got spammed to shit & its stored thousands of revisions of megabytes of fucking spam in the database

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was looking into how much free space i have on my VPS before i do all this & found that i'm using like half the 40GB available
and of that like 4GB was /var/log/journal so i configured it to use max 100MB because i never checked those logs in my life?
another 4GB ibdata1 in mysql which .......apparently is mostly accounted for by my notes wiki db WHY there's barely shit in there

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I keep reading the subtitle of Like a Dragon Gaiden as "The Man Who Eated His Name" and I'm not sure what I can do about that

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Okay I got too into all this and it has become 2:30am whoops
Made pretty good progress though. I had a big list of todos and problems and questions from last time & I've got through all of them except for some PHP extensions I still need to install
Then if that all works I can try it on the actual server.....

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doing a bit of housekeeping on the existing code first. like trying to get rid of php short open tags. i used to use those a lot

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taizou boosted

can't actually be bothered but i was thinking about maybe doing something new on there & i don't want to be held back by the old sites running on old versions of things on the same server

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might jump back on the "trying to run my personal websites through docker" thing. i guess. maybe

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

All of them are secretly Family Pocket products because they still make the best weird stuff

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I got these at the same time as that boombox famiclone but I'm too tired to post about them rn

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!