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so...i got docker installed on the server... got my container up and running... web server pointed at it... all that worked fine

the new and cool problem i now face is that it's unable to connect to the mysql server on the host, despite this working fine for me locally. it doesn't even fail in a useful way either, it just times out. if i ping the hostname that's supposed to map to the host's internal network, it responds fine. but doesn't respond for mysql

going to fucking bed again

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Realised why that was happening, the table dump actually had TABLESPACE `innodb_system` in it, which caused the reimported table to always go in the massive ibdata file. Have converted everything to file per table properly now. But that was still kind of a futile exercise considering theres still no way to shrink ibdata without dumping, deleting and recreating all the databases. And I'm just not gonna do that until I fucking need to because I have plenty of space for docker atm

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taizou boosted

game genie 2, prototype, 'developed for the snes, it allowed users to find their own cheat codes, to activate cheats during gameplay, switch to slow-motion & automatically save/restore high-scores into battery-backed memory on the device. a prototype was completed, but not released. only one exists, owned by richard aplin, one of its original creators'

taizou boosted

I so, so, so don't want to drive any new car that can do this:

A federal appeals court refused to bring back a class action lawsuit alleging four auto manufacturers had violated Washington state’s privacy laws by using vehicles’ on-board infotainment systems to record and intercept customers’ private text messages and mobile phone call logs.

The court ruled that the practice does not meet the threshold for an illegal privacy violation under state law, handing a big win to automakers Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen and General Motors, which are defendants in five related class action suits focused on the issue.

The plaintiffs had appealed a prior judge’s dismissal. But the appeals court ruled Tuesday that the interception and recording of mobile phone activity did not meet the Washington Privacy Act’s standard that a plaintiff must prove that “his or her business, his or her person, or his or her reputation” has been threatened.

A suit filed against Honda in 2021, argu[ed] that beginning in at least 2014 infotainment systems in the company’s vehicles began downloading and storing a copy of all text messages on smartphones when they were connected to the system.

An Annapolis, Maryland-based company, Berla Corporation, provides the technology to some car manufacturers but does not offer it to the general public, the lawsuit said. Once messages are downloaded, Berla’s software makes it impossible for vehicle owners to access their communications and call logs but does provide law enforcement with access, the lawsuit said.

Many car manufacturers are selling car owners’ data to advertisers as a revenue boosting tactic, according to earlier reporting by Recorded Future News. Automakers are exponentially increasing the number of sensors they place in their cars every year with little regulation of the practice.

Found another good console design. It's a bear
Model number is H8 but I can't find it for sale outside China atm

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Dogfood Bowl
Cooking, 30cm4mm to roll up

A dish to put pet food in. Use it for both solid and liquid food.

クッキング 30cm4mm

ドウブツ センヨウノ ゴハンノ サラ カタイゴハンモ スープモ ドッチモ イレラレルヨウダ

I also found that "file per table" was actually ON but for that particular table it doesn't create a file for it, even if I dump and reimport the table? hello???
once again I'm going to fucking bed

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Tried a few possible solutions for reclaiming the space without recreating the whole DB. None of them worked. Piss

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

the dust has settled, i got my stuff (mostly) set up, now it's time to... go to space?? Wednesday, November 8, 4:00 PM PST, fellow ear-haver Lizstar and i will be taking a trip to Saturn. what treasures will we find there? will i remember my helmet? is there a burger joint on the way?

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

We did it gamers. Deleted all the spam text. And how much space has that gained me? fuck all!!!!! because InnoDB will never give you space back once it's used it, if you have the "file per table" setting turned off (which is the default) it just dumps everything into that fucking ibdata file which can never get any smaller. The only thing you can do from here apparently is to dump all the DBs, wipe the whole thing and reimport them. I'm going to fucking bed

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well my internet went down but i'm tethering off my phone to fucking finish this
I deleted all those orphaned slots/content entries and ran the script. the script actually found the orphaned text this time but threw an error when trying to delete it. so I ran another sql query to delete the text
THAT failed cos it ran out of space while trying to write a temp file so I'm now doing them 100 at a time

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OK so what I figured out is that revisions are linked to content by the "slots" table, and the "slots" table suspiciously has 2888 entries referencing nonexistent revision ids, which is the exact same number of archived revisions that were purged
So I THINK I should be safe to delete those slots and Then delete the content entries corresponding to those slots and Then delete the text entries corresponding to the content entries

Sorry for posting through this btw

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Computer Fairies

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