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taizou boosted

Furry Party Tram - a Furdance with Visibility, a wild concept that works!
A tram full of furrs dancing to loud music was sneaking it's way through the city of Munich this last Saturday. For four hours we enjoyed this not so common event with music, food and drink onboard a moving tram.

The best thing about this whole event for me were the reactions we got from the unsuspecting public. The stares, the bewilderment, the incapability to comprehend what's happening. Pure gold.


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of all the government sites the I’ve audited in the past half of a year, the sites that have the best frontend (most accessible, most performant) are the ones that were built 20 years ago, but the devs are usually embarrassed that they haven’t kept up with “what’s new” and I always put extra effort to tell them “no no, this is great. you want to look new? over lunch I’ll write 100 lines of CSS to make that happen. but this site is plain old HTML and it is the best.”

“add some headings though.”

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taizou boosted

In the source code of Super Mario Bros., the goal pole is referred to by a variety of misspelled names, including "gorl pole", "goul flag", "gole pole", or simply "girl". In addition, Bowser's axe, another smaller object that marks a goal, is referred to as a "smorl girl".

alright I've switched over now, I solved like 3 problems it was having but it is much more complex than the others so again if anyone wants to dick around with it and see if they can find anything broken i'd appreciate

and with that I Think all my public facing websites that use PHP are running it through Docker now..!! Still a few other things remaining like my Twitter bots.... which I'd also like to get working on non-twitter sites sometime...

(reposted bc wrong link)

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I bought them like two weeks ago and just noticed smh my head

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Chat do you think an unopened box of oreos thats 3 months out of date would still be OK

2 more subsites switched over and ye olde

the only one remaining (I think) that hasn't been switched is which didn't work with the config I used for the others & I'm not surprised tbh cos it runs mediawiki which is the most complex software running on any of them by far

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restarted the container today & it came up on a different subnet so all my mysql config stopped working lollll
apparently you can configure it to use a specific subnet in docker compose, so, I did that, and now it works again

i've switched over the public version of that site to use it now, so if you want to poke around and see if anything looks broken then feel free

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taizou boosted

and this is a version of my blog now running through php-fpm in docker!! it seems to work perfectly, loads just as fast as the old version

i'm not switching over to this for the public ver yet in case i find some problems but this is very very promising

for once i can go to bed on a high note instead of an "ugh fuck this" note

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so I got the bastard working!!!!!!!!
I think my main misconception was that the docker internal host thing was like, magically mapping things to appear to connect from localhost on the host so I wouldn't have to do anything special to allow them to connect
but that's not the case, the container connects from its own IP address so I had to allow that through the firewall & allow mysql users to connect from it

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I still can't resolve this mysql issue though. So like for background I have extra_hosts: - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
configured in my docker-compose file & that's supposed to map the host machine's internal network to the hostname inside the container
And that works, for some things, e.g. I can ping it, I can connect to its web server port. But not for mysql! It just times out! I don't know how to debug this!!!!

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This seems bad??!?!? I very nearly misconfigured my container in a way that would have accidentally left a port exposed, but I thought "oh well it wouldn't have been _too_ bad cos the firewall would block it anyway", but apparently, no, docker just says Fuck your firewall

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!